In this tab you are able to change the details of your company which will identify it to the ATO in any communications. These details are used in any correspondence with the ATO, such as End of Year File and Payment Summaries.
The ATO require you to complete this screen as fully as possible, including at least
one phone number and one fax number. This will avoid identification issues
with the end-of-year file and any other correspondence with the ATO.
Editing the Company ATO Details:
- In Navigator click Company | Maintain Company Details.
The Company screen will open. - Click on the ATO Tab.
- Edit the following details as required:
Field Name | Explanation |
ATO Identifiers | These details are used by the ATO to identify the company. |
ABN or WPN |
Enter the 11 digit Australian Business Number (ABN) or the Withholding Provider Number (WPN) for this company. Note that if you are specifying a WPN for the company instead of an ABN, it is necessary to enter an ABN of 99999999999. |
ACN | Enter the Australian Company Number (ACN), a unique 9 digit number that companies are issued when registered with the relevant statutory authority. |
ATO Gateway ID | The ATO gateway ID is used by large employers who are registered with the ATO's online Business Portal. See for more information. |
ATO Branch | Enter your ATO branch. If it is unknown, enter 001. |
Authorised ATO Payment Summary Signatory | Enter the name of the person at your company who is authorised to sign ATO payment summaries (previously known as group certificates). |
ATO Contacts | Here you will enter the details of the person that the ATO should contact with queries. |
Title | Select the title from the drop-down list. |
Given Name | Enter the contact person's first name. |
Surname | Enter the contact person's surname. |
Email Address | Enter the contact person's company email address. |
Phone numbers | To add the phone numbers for the contact person, click on the Add New button. |
Phone Type | Select the phone type from the drop-down list. |
Preferred Number | Check this box if this is the preferred number on which this person can be contacted |
Number | Enter the number with relevant codes. |
Extension | Enter the number for the extension. |
Comments | Enter any comments that apply to the use of this number. |